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Altar Of Secrets Pdf Download Free

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K.D. Absolutely
Jun 12, 2013 rated it really liked it
Recommends it for: Robertson T. Poblete
This book is shocking. Well, at least for me who do not normally follow the local news especially on things that do not really interest me. One of these things is the local church. I am not a religious person but being a Catholic I do the minimum: hear the mass every Sunday and when the inspiration comes to me, pray the rosary.

Frankly, I still view the Catholic church as nothing but a business institution and to continue to exist, it has to make profits. It is a political organization too becaus

This book is shocking. Well, at least for me who do not normally follow the local news especially on things that do not really interest me. One of these things is the local church. I am not a religious person but being a Catholic I do the minimum: hear the mass every Sunday and when the inspiration comes to me, pray the rosary.

Frankly, I still view the Catholic church as nothing but a business institution and to continue to exist, it has to make profits. It is a political organization too because there is a hierarchical organization that runs it. That organization is headed by a pope who holds office in Rome and in the local level by a cardinal, an archbishop and bishops. All these men in cloth, the princes of church have taken the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. These are their lifelong commitments to God and to people when they were ordained as priests. However, sadly, this book shows that those promises are easily said than done. This book exposes the rotten apples in the basket of an institution I have been looking up to as a kid attending my Sunday catechism class. We all heard about priests having girlfriends or boyfriends or committing acts of lasciviousness, right? That's common already. I used to see or at least hear about them while I was growing up in the province. So what does this book expose? What makes this book immensely interesting? Here, the people involved in the stories that are referenced (with reliable sources cited and footnotes everywhere) here are the princes of the church: the bishops, archbishops and cardinals. Their sins - not only sins of commission but also omission.

I have long dropped the romantic notion about church and its priests. I am already too old for that. However, the sins committed by the bishops here are for me unpardonable. Hey, some of them are of my own generation but I have never even tried the fancy things that they've done: having a lover (aside from my wife or in their case, their priestly vow) and having kids by that lover [Antipolo Bishop Crisostomo Yalung], molesting young men at the age of 60 [Malolos Bishop Cirilo Almario], plundering the first-ever savings bank in the country, Monte de Piedad [Monsignor Domingo Cirilos, Jr.], pocketing church donations for Radio Veritas [Bishop Teodoro Buhain] and causing a nun to resign in shame due to a misplaced pectoral cross [Malolos Bishop Jose Oliveros] who is actually a distant relative of mine. Tsk tsk.

There is also lengthy chapters here about the church meddling in the political affairs of the country. Well, Jaime Cardinal Sin, may he rest in peace, was instrumental to the ascension to power by ex-President Cory Aquino in 1986 and due to political debt was subservient to the wishes of the cardinal. Now that the son of the lady-in-yellow is in power, we thought that it would be the same. However, even if the church lobbied heavily against the RH Bill, the law was passed and only time will tell if the decision was right or wrong. For the meantime, I think the Filipinos are tired and angry about the constant intrusion of the church to the affairs of the state. These men in clothes should serve as spiritual guides and not for example, receive cash and luxury cars and eat in expensive restaurants pretending that those are needed for them to do their roles. They should always remember their three vows: poverty, obedience and chastity.

May they rot in hell: these rotten apples in the supposedly holy organization.

Gabriela Francisco
"The truth shall set you free." The fact that a libel case was filed against the author was enough to make me want to read it. And having read it, I can say that the author did not write it in order to tear down the CBCP or the Church in the Philippines. It is a must-read for every Filipino Catholic, so that we will not follow blindly the orders of fallible men leading a political institution that in no way represents the true face of the Catholic Church. "The truth shall set you free." The fact that a libel case was filed against the author was enough to make me want to read it. And having read it, I can say that the author did not write it in order to tear down the CBCP or the Church in the Philippines. It is a must-read for every Filipino Catholic, so that we will not follow blindly the orders of fallible men leading a political institution that in no way represents the true face of the Catholic Church. ...more
Diane ™
Feb 03, 2017 rated it really liked it
Interesting read about the scandals harrowing the Philippine Catholic church. --Diane ™

Rufo sheds light on a closeted organization and does it through an excellent journalistic endeavor. Here are interviews of prominent and relevant characters in the politics of the Catholic Church in the Philippine setting. Insomuch as he exposes the scandals that has beset the organization, Rufo also brings you to the roots of such anomalous behavior. His analysis starts at the organizational structure and mov

Interesting read about the scandals harrowing the Philippine Catholic church. --Diane ™

Rufo sheds light on a closeted organization and does it through an excellent journalistic endeavor. Here are interviews of prominent and relevant characters in the politics of the Catholic Church in the Philippine setting. Insomuch as he exposes the scandals that has beset the organization, Rufo also brings you to the roots of such anomalous behavior. His analysis starts at the organizational structure and moves on link by link in the chain of events that led to the church's major scandals. More importantly, this book paints a vivid historical account of how legacies within the church were established as well as the ways with which these were thrown asunder. Rufo could have expounded his interviews to rural priests as I'm sure their stories would be wealthy resources for the scandals he gave light to.

This book exists as a challenge, to put it bluntly, for the clergymen to wake up from being full of themselves and face the challenges of the times.

Jul 20, 2013 rated it it was ok
For those with a penchant for titillating controversies, the book is a journalistic mine of the most recent church scandals. But for those looking for a more indepth analysis of the ills of the Church, how scandals in the Church reflect current problems in Philippine society, how the sins of the Philippine Church fare with the sins of the global Catholic Church, now and based on its 2000 year history, etc. the book is relatively shallow. Even the secrets about which the book speaks of are hardly For those with a penchant for titillating controversies, the book is a journalistic mine of the most recent church scandals. But for those looking for a more indepth analysis of the ills of the Church, how scandals in the Church reflect current problems in Philippine society, how the sins of the Philippine Church fare with the sins of the global Catholic Church, now and based on its 2000 year history, etc. the book is relatively shallow. Even the secrets about which the book speaks of are hardly a secret to one who reads newspapers and watch television, except, I guess, those prone to forgetfulness. Perhaps the book will sell because of what it speaks of--who doesn't want to hear of church scandals??--but I doubt if it will have mutiple printings due to intellectual and scholarly relevance. ...more
Jan-Jan Batugan
In this investigative book authored by Aries Rufo, readers peek into the secret lives of those who are deemed as divinely impeccable. The revelations are almost dumbfounding yet they are also reconciled by examples of holy men who walk what they talk.

At the outset, the book may seem to appear as incriminating the men of cloth, however, it should also be noted that the book is no less than a desperate cry for a reform in a respected institution that has long held a firm grip and control over the

In this investigative book authored by Aries Rufo, readers peek into the secret lives of those who are deemed as divinely impeccable. The revelations are almost dumbfounding yet they are also reconciled by examples of holy men who walk what they talk.

At the outset, the book may seem to appear as incriminating the men of cloth, however, it should also be noted that the book is no less than a desperate cry for a reform in a respected institution that has long held a firm grip and control over the lives of many Filipinos.

Such cry is not an exclusive call to the Catholic Church alone but to all shepherds of faith who may have failed or lapsed in the exercise of their duties and responsibilities towards their respective flocks

The book contains if not sensitive issues on the Roman Catholic Church, it's shocking. Considering that I don't always watch the news to follow the politics and move the Catholics. The information that the book contains made me see the Catholics in new perspective. They might be holy as they trying to look like, but there are dark secrets that they try to hide from the public. Issues on Celibacy and having family; transparency in their funds, the clout of the church in the policy making, and wal The book contains if not sensitive issues on the Roman Catholic Church, it's shocking. Considering that I don't always watch the news to follow the politics and move the Catholics. The information that the book contains made me see the Catholics in new perspective. They might be holy as they trying to look like, but there are dark secrets that they try to hide from the public. Issues on Celibacy and having family; transparency in their funds, the clout of the church in the policy making, and walking their talk.

The book is not all negativity on the church, there are parts that highlights its positive impact on nation building and its mission on good governance. The book aims for the betterment of the church and not to merely destroy its credibility.


Michael Elefante
Rufo may have been presenting facts about Catholic Church in this book of his but clearly his intention is for him to defame the Catholic priest to the readers and in due course to lost faith in the Roman Catholic region.

I have read this with an open mind. Clearly the narration here is one sided, often to depict the religious in a bad light.

Sorry, Mr. Rufo, I know not all Catholic priest are holy, but my trust with the Church and my faith is much deeper and cannot be tainted with this work of yo

Rufo may have been presenting facts about Catholic Church in this book of his but clearly his intention is for him to defame the Catholic priest to the readers and in due course to lost faith in the Roman Catholic region.

I have read this with an open mind. Clearly the narration here is one sided, often to depict the religious in a bad light.

Sorry, Mr. Rufo, I know not all Catholic priest are holy, but my trust with the Church and my faith is much deeper and cannot be tainted with this work of yours.

Igmidio Galingan
The book is an eye opener. When before Filipinos might see the ills of the Catholic church as an abstraction relegated to history or just something only foreign countries might have, this book will set the record straight that those ills are existing and may even be flourishing here in the Philippines. In abroad the Catholic Church are already facing challenges, here they are still held in high esteem even undeservingly so. Hope this book changes that.
Wanda Madelaine
Well...that was something. Although honestly speaking, I am not surprised.

Priests are human beings. They err. I just don't understand why people would put their faith in them and not God.

Still, we have not learned from the past.

Well...that was something. Although honestly speaking, I am not surprised.

Priests are human beings. They err. I just don't understand why people would put their faith in them and not God.

Still, we have not learned from the past.

Feb 20, 2017 rated it really liked it
When Religion fornicates with Politics, the former is corrupted, the latter is degraded. When Religion and Politics sleep together, can we really tell them apart?

This book looks at the Philippine Catholic Church through a different lens. What it sees cannot be ignored. Recommend reading for everyone that love their Church. And their Politics.

Mar 15, 2017 rated it it was ok
The anecdotes and articles in this book are not surprising. Rumors about Catholic priests being hypocrites have been around since forever.

I just didn't like how the author injected his own personal opinions in a supposedly neutral book. After all, Rufo's a journalist. Reading words like "hypocritical" "sinned" etc. is quite annoying. Leave the comments to the readers.

The anecdotes and articles in this book are not surprising. Rumors about Catholic priests being hypocrites have been around since forever.

I just didn't like how the author injected his own personal opinions in a supposedly neutral book. After all, Rufo's a journalist. Reading words like "hypocritical" "sinned" etc. is quite annoying. Leave the comments to the readers.

Levi Dasig
Mar 10, 2020 rated it it was amazing
It's true to the Philippines and brought out broader knowledge in the book make open the minds of the reader to know the Truth of the cult of catholism It's true to the Philippines and brought out broader knowledge in the book make open the minds of the reader to know the Truth of the cult of catholism ...more
Nov 07, 2021 rated it really liked it
I do not believe that the main purpose of this book is to demystify the wickedness of the priest and to pass judgment that they are not capable to do wrongful acts. It still has a subtle purpose of rescinding the credibility of the priests.
Some will say that it is full of journalistic calculation and doesn't or lack backup evidence which is I agree with.
The majority of chapters in this book are full of dichotomies of impulses and cognitive dissonance which implies that they are trying to be in
I do not believe that the main purpose of this book is to demystify the wickedness of the priest and to pass judgment that they are not capable to do wrongful acts. It still has a subtle purpose of rescinding the credibility of the priests.
Some will say that it is full of journalistic calculation and doesn't or lack backup evidence which is I agree with.
The majority of chapters in this book are full of dichotomies of impulses and cognitive dissonance which implies that they are trying to be in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

I was born and baptized as a Catholic, growing up I become a bit skeptical and non-conformist on the teachings of the catholic church. During the liturgy of the word I always ask myself the same question: why they give respect and praise to those carved images? Although I would not consider myself as religious, I found the answer in the Bible.

If any preacher, pastor, and the priest does not support and adhere their teachings in the holy bible they cannot be declared as God's Men on earth. The majority of the catholic priest use a flowery words to appeal to the emotion of their congregation. They try to romanticize poverty and use the power of mercy to justify their wrongdoings (which is written in this book).

If the catholic priests will support and truly adhere their teachings in the Holy Bible they will not be subject to any scrutiny. The problem is we surrender our trust to the holy men of the church to the point that we allow ourselves to transform into an irrational zealot. And it will be a horrible crime if we question the authority of the priests and the church institution itself.
Humans must believe in Almighty God and Christ but not in the priests. In the end, critical thinking is the best panoply against the impenetrable and unquestionable church.

Favorite quote from this book:
"Sige, babes, sleep na tayo. Gagawa pa ako ng homily. [I have to go Babes, let's go to sleep. I still have to prepare my homily.]"

Magnus Lightwood-Bane
Always been interested in organized crime groups like the ones in films like Goodfellas or The Godfather or the organized crime syndicates like the yakuzas of Japan. This interest is not in admiration but of awe and curiosity, wondering how organized crime could have so much power and control while the government and law enforcement have difficulties in cracking down on their illicit activities.

I've wondered if the Philippines ever had any groups like that and after reading this book, I realized

Always been interested in organized crime groups like the ones in films like Goodfellas or The Godfather or the organized crime syndicates like the yakuzas of Japan. This interest is not in admiration but of awe and curiosity, wondering how organized crime could have so much power and control while the government and law enforcement have difficulties in cracking down on their illicit activities.

I've wondered if the Philippines ever had any groups like that and after reading this book, I realized, I was looking at the wrong places, hahaha.

Jun Resurreccion
A very enlightening view of the roman catholic church in the Philippines. We've all heard rumors of these before but this book went out to verify the facts about these rumors. Did not shake my faith though because that's between me and my God. It just reminded me that priests are human and just like anyone else, they can rise above human frailty or succumb to it... A very enlightening view of the roman catholic church in the Philippines. We've all heard rumors of these before but this book went out to verify the facts about these rumors. Did not shake my faith though because that's between me and my God. It just reminded me that priests are human and just like anyone else, they can rise above human frailty or succumb to it... ...more
Lea De La Cruz
May 26, 2017 rated it did not like it
I read this book because of my curiosity as to why the author is being accused of libel but got disappointed since it contains issues that I watched on news and read on newspapers before which make it hardly a secret.
Maxwell Kenyatta
I'm neither a catholic or Philipino but I went to a catholic high school so I can relate to most of the things highlighted in the book by the Author. I would highly this book to a Philippina and an open minded reader without bias while reading. I'm neither a catholic or Philipino but I went to a catholic high school so I can relate to most of the things highlighted in the book by the Author. I would highly this book to a Philippina and an open minded reader without bias while reading. ...more
Jim MendioLa excited to know their secrets
Rainier Moreno-Lacalle
heart-wrenching but liberating!
Grethel Ulang
Oct 24, 2018 rated it really liked it
Every devout catholics should read this as a test of faith to the church.
Jul 11, 2019 rated it it was amazing
An eye-opener mer. Well-researched.
Azela Kalalang
How can we read this book on line? Is there a way?
Kyth Palma
Jan 04, 2021 rated it it was amazing
A controversial book of the Catholic Church. It presented different scandals created by the members of the Church. An eye-opener. Interesting read.
Nana Bella
Eye-opening, but not written in an academic, neutral manner. Uses colloquial language
Larry Cano,
I have been trying to secure a hardcopy but I guess I have to continue searching

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